HR Jargon - Words we like...over and over and over and
over and over and over...Improve how you are perceived or
maybe you can work as a consultant by learning these words and phrases. Leave your words on the Guest Book and we'll add them.
1. Best of Breed, Best of Class, World Class
2. e-hr
3. HR enablers or just plain enablers..the enablers
4. The domain (we've got this one from the internet)
5. Strategical or Strategic
6. Transactional
7. Low hanging fruit
8. Transparency (over used by all)
9. Harmonize or harmony
9. In this space...In my space
10. Resonate
11. First prize
12. Quick Wins
13. HR synergies
14. the financial space...the HR space..
15. Others (give us your thoughts and we'll add them))
I applied for a job at a company that was just harmonized. The new boss believed in transparency in how HR functioned, plus he felt the first prize was to have great people. We talked about some low hanging fruit to fix when I started the job and knew I would be consider one heck of an enabler.